Welcome to our Apartment! This web pages has been created in order to give you information about our apartment which is for rent. I think this apartment has an excellent location opportunity, and it is a very nice place to live. Our apartment is the 1105 in Parque San Antonio I, Caguas PR. If you are not familiar with the area you should look at the links related to the Location of the apartment. Also if you are interested to know more information about the near by businesses, and information about Caguas town follow the Caguas link. Now if you are familiar to the area lets move to the goodies of the apartment. You can follow this link to the complex layout. To see pictures of the apartment follow this link. Monthly Rent is $850.00 Utilities invoiced separately (water & electricity).To contact us please call the following numbers: Felix Rivera: Work 787- 703-0288, Cell 787-633-2796 or
Jerry Badillo 787-632-6620 Maridaly Rodriguez: Work 939-307-2500 xt. 2649, Home 787-704-6883
This page was last updated on 12/27/05. |